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Local Development Guide

This guide walks you through how to start developing Nesis on your local workstation. You can get an overview of the components that make up Nesis and its architecture here.


  1. We use docker and docker-compose to support our development process. If you don't have docker installed locally, please for the Install Docker Engine link for instructions on how install docker on your local workstation.
  2. If you rather not install docker, you will need to have access to a Postgres and Memcached instance.
  3. Optional: The RAG Engine needs access to an LLM endpoint such as an OpenAI's endpoint or a private LLM endpoint in order to start querying your documents. You will need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY and the OPENAI_API_BASEenvironment variables.
  4. Recently, Huggingface requires a HF_TOKEN to download embedding models. You may need to obtain and set your HF_TOKEN.
  5. You need to have python 3.11 for the API and RAG Engine microservices.
  6. You also need to have node and npm installed.

A word on vector databases

Nesis' RAG Engine requires a vector database to store vector embeddings. In order to contain the number of components, we use pgvector packaged into an extended Bitnami Postgres docker image ametnes/postgresql:16-debian-12 here. You are however free to use other vector databases. Curently, we support chromadb and qdrant.

Quick Start

Start by checking out the repository.

git checkout
cd nesis

Using Docker

Build all the docker images locally.

    docker build --build-arg PUBLIC_URL=/ --build-arg PROFILE=PROD -t ametnes/nesis:latest-frontend . -f nesis/frontend/Dockerfile
    docker build -t ametnes/nesis:latest-api . -f nesis/api/Dockerfile
    docker build -t ametnes/nesis:latest-rag . -f nesis/rag/Dockerfile

Use the docker compose file to run the services locally. In your terminal, run

docker-compose up

Access the frontend locally.

  1. Point your browser to http://localhost:58000/
  2. Login with

    1. Email:
    2. Password: password

Using your IDE

Start supporting services

Supporting services include

  1. Postgres (for the backend database as well as the vector database).
  2. Memcached for caching and locking services.
  3. Optional Minio for document storage.
  4. Optional Samba for document storage.

To start the supporting service, in a separate terminal, run

 docker-compose -f compose-dev.yml up

Set up your python virtualenv

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

If you do not have source, you can activate the virtualenv with

. .venv/bin/activate

Start the RAG Engine

Install dependencies

pip install -r nesis/rag/requirements.txt -r nesis/rag/requirements-huggingface.txt --default-timeout=1200

Start the service

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-openai-api-key>
python nesis/rag/core/

Huggingface vs OpenAI's Embeddings

Huggingface embeddings use a dimension of 384 while OpenAI's default embeddings size varies. The env variable NESIS_RAG_EMBEDDING_DIMENSIONS can be used to alter the dimention of embeddings to suit your needs.

Start API Service

Install dependencies

pip install -r nesis/api/requirements.txt

Start the service

export NESIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD="password"
python nesis/api/core/

Start the frontend

Install dependencies

cd nesis/frontend
npm install --legacy-peer-deps --prefix client
npm install --legacy-peer-deps

Start the frontend-backend service with

npm run start:server:local

In a separate terminal, start the frontend with

cd nesis/frontend
npm run start:client

Access the frontend locally.

  1. Point your browser to http://localhost:3000/
  2. Login with

    1. Email:
    2. Password: password

All done

You should now be ready to start developing Nesis